
Chess in the Junior School

Chess is considered a great tool for developing strategic thinking, memory and concentration skills. It teaches students to think logically and efficiently, enabling them to learn how to select the best possible solution from a wide number of options. Students also learn to make accurate and fast decisions under time pressure. Chess is the perfect activity to challenge gifted students particularly helping the underachievers to strive for excellence.

Chess Club

Chess has been a popular choice of activity for some of our Junior School students. The Chess Club meets after school on a weekly basis throughout the year. The students, although highly competitive, steadily develop self-control and good 'Chess manners'.

Each student brings along a folder in which they collect information on the rules, skills and strategies covered during our weekly sessions. The results of the weekly challenge matches are reflected on our Chess ladder. Many students juggle various sports practises and music lessons so as not to miss out completely on the weekly challenge matches. In order to qualify for a coveted chess award students need to attend regularly, display courtesy during games and earn points during the weekly challenge matches.

Fortnightly, chess is held in the Information Services Centre during lunch time which allows an opportunity for regular chess club members to challenge or tutor some of their friends or younger students.


Selected members of the chess club represent the college in the quarterly Interschool Chess Championships organised by Gardiner Chess. Faith Lutheran College falls under the South Brisbane Region and the competitions are generally held at Stretton State College. Teams have been regularly entered for each of the Primary A, Primary B and Primary C divisions during Terms 1 to 3. Individual age championships are usually played in the final term.

We are privileged to have wonderful parents who have supported the teams and regularly assisted with transport to Stretton. The students have grown in their knowledge and experience of the game returning to school after each competition exhausted but very happy.

A number of coaching workshops in conjunction with the Gardiner Chess Association have been organised in order to further develop our students’ knowledge of chess strategy.