​Junior School News T2 W3 2022


As we begin to prepare to celebrate all our mums on Mother’s Day this weekend, it is timely to remind ourselves to ‘capture the moments’ with our families. There is homework, after school activities, music practice, drama performances, sporting events, College events and so much more that at times means keeping our focus on the to do list. Our kids love being part of all these events in life, but let’s be deliberate in taking opportune moments to stop and hear what our kids have to say.

Share a meal or a milkshake together at the end of a busy week– capture a quality time moment. Sit down and listen to them read aloud or start reading a novel together each evening for 10 mins before bedtime – capture a quality, comforting time together. Take pictures of daily life moments, don’t wait for the perfect portrait – capture the laughter, capture the routine, capture the daily tasks – capture the moments and remember how precious family time is. Have a device free evening, parents too, and play a board game or watch a movie together – capture the joy of time together as a family. Growing together, communicating about the little things, laughing about the silliness, stealing time for your family (even when you don’t think you have it) and enjoy being with each other – now that is something worth taking the time to do so that we capture the moments along this journey we call life.


Need a coffee after drop off? Café Flourish will open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings each week from 8:00 – 8:45am. As previously communicated, different year level teacher’s will be your barista each day. Why? Because we want to create opportunities for you to informally chat with your child’s current teacher, previous teacher, or even future teacher. Strengthening community means taking time and moments to have conversations, share a laugh or ask a question to help understand each other. This may also be an opportunity to meet up with a friend or parent you haven’t been able to for a while, or even make a new friend, as some of our new families come by and connect into our Faith community. All families are welcome on any day, not just your allocated year level day. So as the weather cools down and the winter months kick in, pop by, grab a tea, coffee or hot chocolate and enjoy a chat with a friend or one of our friendly staff members. We look forward to seeing you there!


Funfest is fast approaching, and we can’t wait to enjoy this fabulous event. Whilst it may look a little different this year as we begin new traditions in our 40th Anniversary, the same key elements are all there for all to enjoy. Fun, community, kids, and families……ride bands are on sale and ready to be purchased, volunteer rosters are filling up and our students are practising their performances to be ready to share these with you on the stage. Our 40th Anniversary year continues to be one that creates moments, lasting memories, and a time to reflect and celebrate our school’s history.


As communicated to Junior School families last week, we continue to improve communication to support families to know what is happening on our campus each week. We continue to send our email out each Friday that contains information for the week ahead. This includes important year level information as well as Junior School campus events. Please look out for the link that is emailed each Friday directing you to our Junior School Community Hub page with the latest published information. You will still receive emails from time to time, sent from our Junior School office, containing class specific information and other events impacting smaller groups of students. We trust that this supports families as we decrease the quantity of emails you receive across the week and increase the quality of our communication.

Jodi Blackwell
Head of Junior School