​Junior School News T4 W6 2022

On Wednesday evening, we celebrated student achievement in the areas of both Sport and Culture. These areas of school life are an integral part of what we do at Faith and have a very positive impact on learning. Musical sounds fill our lives: from the music you share online to the songs playing in shops and restaurants, we are rarely far from music. Playing music gives the brain a multisensory “workout” that can strengthen memory, process emotions, and perhaps even improve reading ability. In the same way music is all around us so are artistic impressions, digital artwork, dance - all of these areas can have a powerful impact on our day.

Within our school environment, sport is both a natural and structured part of our day through the options we have available at break times and in class for our students, in this same way that music and the Arts are also embedded in even our simplest school routines. Our goal at Faith is to not only offer extra-curricular activities and opportunities for sport and culture but to embed a love for these in our students through exploration, play and opportunity. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again is a lesson we aim to teach all our students at Faith and if you have ever watched an Olympic or Commonwealth games you will see or hear many athletes with stories just like this. To be an athlete competing on the world stage is the result of hours, days and years of hard work, training, and discipline. Whilst our kids may or may not become Olympians in the year 2032 when we host the games in Brisbane, I do hope that they are inspired by the examples set by athletes that they see in action on TV, at a stadium or that they meet in person. Through perseverance and determination, anything is possible.

One of the most prominent lessons we can learn from any elite athlete is to follow your dreams – it takes dedication, drive, and pure focus to compete at such a level and this is so often based on a simple dream. Find something that you love and follow your passion. This year both our Active@Faith and Create@Faith programs have seen our students grow in all the areas I have just mentioned. It has been both exciting and rewarding to see students proudly wearing a Falcons jersey or excitedly heading to a band, choir, or ensemble rehearsal at lunch time. We have had students take part in Art clubs, dance clubs, e-sports, chess and so much more as our programs continue to grow. Thank you to our families for being part of this journey, for making time to take your child to games and for encouraging the values of being a great team player.

Jodi Blackwell
Head of Junior School